This is my all-time favorite stew recipe. It is perfect for Halloween night. I will put everything into the slow cooker in the morning and cook it on low for 8 hours. I want it ready by 5:00 so that we can eat before the community Trunk or Treat at 6:00. This Hearty Beef Stew is amazing. McCormick has got me hooked on this one. They've got all the yummy flavors you want in your beef stew in this package pictured below. So if you are wondering what to do for dinner halloween night, give this stew a try. It will not dissapoint you. All the instructions are on the package. It calls for 2 lbs. stew beef, cut into 1-inch cubes, 5 cups cut-up fresh veggies, such as carrots, celery, onions and potatoes, 1 1/3 cups water, and 1 pkg. McCormick Seasoning for Beef Stew. It is so simple and delicious! Give it a try!

I have got to have rolls with my Beef Stew. Prudy's Honey Whole Wheat Rolls are a must. They are sweet, light, healthy, & perfect for soaking up the last of my stew. Find the recipe here:
http://prudencepennywise.blogspot.com/2008/08/august-corn-chowder-and-soft-honey.html . Thanks Prudy, for sharing your recipes!

Can't forget about dessert! Pictured are my favorite Sour Cream Sugar Cookies. Unfortunately these aren't my halloween decorated ones, because I will be making them tomorrow. I love decorating sugar cookies for halloween. They are perfect for my 3 year old. After the Trunk or Treat we will come home and decorate Giant Pumpkin Sugar Cookies with yummy Cream Cheese frosting, sprinkles and candy corn, while watching Michael Jackson Music Videos. We love watching Thriller for Halloween. We don't let the little ones watch the scary monster part...it's a little too scary. This is really the only time of year that we whip these out. It's become a halloween tradition. My 3 year old loves to dance to Michael Jackson music. His favorite is Smooth Criminal and he loves to mimick the dancing. He's getting pretty good. His Uncle Matt would be very proud of him. Matt is the one who gave me my music videos years ago. He can do the moonwalk, and he even dressed up as Michael Jackson one year for Halloween. It was the year of my first Halloween party back when I was still single. My parents were kind enough to have the party at their house. It was a rockin' party! My brother was the DJ, and we had a great turnout. I was Tina Turner with a huge fro wig with crazy go-go boots. It was awesome! I probably could talk about halloween parties all day, but I won't continue to bore you. Just make sure you make these awesome cookies. They are soft and sweet!
Sour Cream Sugar Cookies
Cream together:
1 cup shortening
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp Almond extract
Stir in:
4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thick. Bake on greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
Frost with your favorite icing colored orange. Decorate with halloween sprinkles, candy corns, m&m's, chocolate chips, whatever! Yum!
That stew looks delicious. I want a bowl of it right now! I love the halloween stories, they bring back so many memories!
Okay the one wish in my hubby's life is that I make stew for him . . . which I have done but I never really like it . . . I will have to try this recipe! I need a good one! It looks like the perfect dinner before the spooking hour! Yum-E!
Can I just say that this blog has blown me away all month! You two sure know how to throw a party and make life grand. I'm so stealing that stew recipe and thanks for reminding me to make some rolls again too. Don't even get me started on the cookies!
And I wish you could post a video of the three year old dancing to thriller. My kids love it too! We've got the music and they think they are sooo cool.
Wow, what pretty pictures of your great dishes! The stew looks like the perfect comfort food indeed!
Dang, I should have made your sugar cookies. I know just added the sour cream makes them soft. They look great!
I'm putting that stew on my menu for this week. :)
I'm really impressed by the cookies! I've seen cakes with sour cream, but never cookies! I bet it gives them a really delicious and tender crumb :). I'd love to post your recipe on our blog, please let me know if you're interested!
Sophie, Key Ingredient Chief Blogger
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