Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cajun & Parmesan Grilled Zucchini

We are trying to be creative in the ways we eat our zucchini. This one we have just loved! I got the idea from Crystal at Everyday Food Storage. I love her blog, and always find great ideas for everyday cooking, baking, and especially utilizing my food storage.
Check out her blog here: www.everydayfoodstorage.blogspot.com
She has got a very organized blog and even provides video instructions for some of her recipes. This is a grilled take from her Dad's broiled Zucchini that has quickly become a favorite at my house.

Cajun & Parmesan Grilled Zucchini
2 medium size zucchini
Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese
Cajun Seasoning

Directions: Fire up the grill to Medium High heat. Wash and dry zucchini. Cut zucchini in half so you have 2, then cut your 2 halves in half again so you now have 4 wedges from one zucchini. Do the same with the other. Place on your grill face down so you are looking at the green skin. Grill for about 10 minutes or until zucchini starts to get tender and a little bit limp. Flip them over at that point and brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with cajun seasoning and parmesan. Close grill and cook for another 3 minutes to let the seasoning really sink in. I eat mine like a pickle...just pick it up and eat it!

This is a great way to spice up our zucchinni intake, because it is a fair amount right now! Every day we have another zucchini to pick. They grow like crazy! Soon to come will be some Zucchini Brownies, and some Zucchini Chocolate Chip Muffins. Stay tuned! I'm off to go color with my little boy! Have a great August day! We've actually had a little nip in the air at night. I'm not ready for the cold weather yet.


  1. I'm cuckoo for grilled zucchini and I've never done it with Cajun. Ok, another one for my list.

  2. This looks so good! I'm sorry I've been slacking on posting recipes. Now that I'm done with my marathon, I'll get back on the bandwagon! Love ya!

  3. What a cool idea to grill zucchini! I find myself buying a couple every time I go grocery shopping, so I'll be sure to give this a try. It sounds incredible!!

  4. I'm so glad you liked the spice rubbed chicken. Thanks for the comments and all the support. It makes blogging so fun.

  5. Perfect... I need ideas too. The addition of cajun spice is a nice change!
